Meal Plan Exemption


Students who live on campus are expected to purchase a student meal plan but may qualify for an exemption.

Accommodations & Dining Services

Dining Services offers robust menu selections that are vegetarian, vegan, and/or made without gluten-containing ingredients. The college accommodates many students with these needs and usually denies exemption requests based solely on the above dietary restrictions. We recommend that students with dietary needs work with dining staff and try eating on campus before requesting a meal plan exemption.

For more information about dietary restrictions or how Bon Appetit can help meet your dietary needs, contact General Manager of Dining Services, Marcus McGee at or 562.464.4557.

Meal Plan Exemptions

Students seeking a meal plan exemption for dietary needs based on a medical condition must submit a Meal Plan Exemption Application. This application includes a self-report of why they need the exemption and documentation (professional medical certificate) from a medical provider diagnosing the condition and need for a specific diet along with lab testing results and/or imaging studies used for diagnosis. 

All meal plan exemptions must be submitted to Student Accessibility Services (SAS). Requests of a medical nature will be reviewed by SAS and the Health and Wellness Center, while the Dean of Students Office will review non-medical requests (e.g., religious or financial reasons).

Please note:

  • A medical meal exemption will not be given based solely on whether a student is a vegetarian or that the food service does not meet a student’s personal food preferences.
  • Students will continue to be charged for meals until a medical exemption is granted in writing.
  • A written statement from a doctor does not guarantee that the student will receive a meal plan exemption.
  • The health care provider must be an MD or DO (letters from Chiropractors and Herbalists are NOT accepted). 
  • Meal plan exemption requests for the Fall semester should be submitted by the end of July and exemptions requests for the Spring semester should be submitted by the start of Winter Break in December. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

The College reserves the right to update these policies at any time, as needed.