Requesting Accommodations


To become registered with Student Accessibility Services (SAS), students must self-identify to SAS as having a diagnosed disability. Permanent registration with SAS requires current documentation of a student’s disability. 

SAS facilitates the approval and implementation of a variety of accommodations, including:

Following either submission of documentation or self-identification of disability to SAS, the student must meet with a SAS staff member to discuss the student’s conditions, courses, and accommodations. SAS will then approve and/or deny accommodations and notify the student’s faculty of accommodations. Following, the student may activate and use their accommodations at their discretion.

Requests are evaluated across factors that include the nature of a student’s disability, the impact of such condition(s) upon various aspects of the student’s life (e.g., academic, social, structural access issues), and the type and extent of the requested accommodation. 

A student who is permanently registered (i.e. submits documentation of disability to SAS) can request academic accommodations for their courses each semester. SAS offers temporary registration for students who do not yet have documentation and/or have temporary conditions. Temporary registration allocates accommodations for the duration of one semester. SAS reserves the right to contact appropriate faculty and staff to discuss requests.