Requesting Services


Students requesting services or accommodations must self-identify and meet with Student Accessibility Services.

Upon submission, requests are evaluated across factors that include the nature of a student’s disability, the impact of such condition upon various aspects of the student’s life (academic, social, access issues, etc.), and the type and extent of the requested accommodation. 

Students are responsible for providing appropriate documentation in accordance with Whittier College’s documentation guidelines. Student Accessibility Services reserves the right to contact appropriate faculty and staff to discuss requests.  

Procedures for requesting services and accommodations

  1. Students must complete a Request for Services Form, a self-assessment questionnaire, when they first register with Student Accessibility Services.
  2. At the beginning of each semester, students requesting accommodations for their courses must complete an Academic Accommodations Request Form.
  3. Student Accessibility Services will provide notification to professors regarding approved academic accommodations. These letters will clearly state the specific recommended accommodations for each course. Clinical information about students will not appear in these letters.
  4. Students are responsible for discussing the implementation of the accommodations with their professor. For example, if a student is eligible for extended time on examinations in a separate distraction-reduced environment, the professor and student should discuss the arrangements for taking examinations under these conditions. Professors are encouraged to contact Student Accessibility Services with any questions or concerns regarding accommodations.