Pioneer Students Present at Undergraduate Research Conference


November 23, 2015

Two groups of Pioneer High Pioneer high school students present at SCCURSchool students presented at the Southern California Conference for Undergraduate Research on Saturday, November 21 at Harvey-Mudd College. The Pioneer students presented research they conducted as part of Whittier College’s Center for Engagement with Communities ARTEMIS program, a mentoring program designed to encourage high school women to pursue studies in STEM fields. Additional ARTEMIS participants attended the conference to support their friends and fellow scientists while also getting the opportunity to visit a private, liberal arts college focuPioneer students present at SCCURsed on the sciences.

ARTEMIS currently serves 28 girls from Pioneer and California High Schools in the Whittier Union High School District. Science teachers Julie Bermudez and Jessica Clendenon help to facilitate the program with ARTEMIS Program Coordinator Victoria Woods.