Professor Hill Presents Relationship Research in Italy


November 21, 2015

Chuck Hill, Social Psychology, Whittier College facultyProfessor of social psychology Chuck Hill presented his cross-cultural research study on intimate relationships at the XIV European Congress of Psychology in Milan, Italy. This study, based on an online survey, measured cross-cultural attitudes and social perceptions of intimacy among more than 5,500 participants across 12 countries including Whittier college students.

Hill measured the motivational bases of attitudes and behaviors among the participants based on Schwartz’ theory of Personal Values that identify ten basic personal values recognized across cultures. “I reported on the finding that across these different groups were correlations in values in accordance to Schwartz’ Personal Values that are clustered into four high order values including conservatism, self-enhancement, and openness to change.”

Hill also had the opportunity to explore the culture of Italy in Milan as well as the ancient ruins and sights of Portugal while on his trip.  “I gained insights from other psychologists at the conference in Italy,” said Hill. “But the best part was meeting people from various countries in each of the places I visited.”