Tina Rinaldi '10 is President for a Day at Whittier College

President Herzberger dawns her Palmer sweatshirt as senior Tina Rinaldi  sports a suit. The two switched places for the day. With the goal of seeing life from the other side, Whittier College President Sharon Herzberger and senior Tina Rinaldi switched places for a day. "Student" Herzberger was able to live first-hand the life of today's student who must juggle academics, work, and extra-curricular activities. Her day included painting the Rock with a fellow Palmer sister, attending classes, lunching at The Spot, and participating in choir practice.

For her part, "President" Rinaldi started her day at 7:30 a.m. with a "Walk and Talk" with students. Throughout the rest of her day, she met with administrators, faculty, and students to discuss Cal Grants, fundraising, WASC accreditation, and a number of other hefty issues. Ending her day in an upbeat tone, Rinaldi delivered a pep-talk to the women's lacrosse team.

Read their blogs here: President for Day and Student for a Day.