Dr. Judea Pearl Addresses Whittier Community

Dr. Judea Pearl delivered the 2009 Feinberg Lecture entitled "Being Jewish, American, Western in the Post-911 Era" to a packed room of students, faculty, alumni, and friends last night in AJ Villalobos Hall at Whittier College. 

Dr. Pearl, the father of slain Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl, dedicated the evening's discourse to his son who was killed in Karachi, Pakistan on February 1, 2002. 

"You brought joy, friendship, music, and insight to many people around the world," said Dr. Pearl. "Today people gather to honor you, so this is your revenge. The victory of the boldness for which you loved humanity, the victory of the human spirit, forever struggling for the noble, forever daring the impossible." 

Along with his wife Ruth, Dr. Pearl co-edited I am Jewish: Personal Reflections Inspired by the Last Words of Daniel Pearl, an anthology which provides a panoramic view of how Jews define themselves in the post-9/11 era.