Whittier College Honors Convocation Recognizes Outstanding Poets

More than 100 Whittier College students were bestowed with various honors from departments and college heads for their dedication to academics and service at the 2014 Honors Convocation.

Click here to see a full list of student honorees and here to see more photos of the ceremony..

Professor of Theater and Communication Arts and the 2013 Harry W. Nerhood Teaching Excellence Award recipient Brian Reed delivered the keynote address.

Reed had words of advice for the honorees, “I feel compelled to tell you students here tonight that I and my faculty colleagues and your parents represent, in one sense or another, your future… But don’t fear, students, not all is necessarily lost…

Reed“If you haven’t done so already, I recommend you develop a better sense of design about your life. What are the lines, the shapes, the colors, the textures, the shadows and highlights? What are the harmonies, the variations, the repetitions, the contrasts within your life?” 

Click here to read the speech in its entirety.

Later in the program, Professor of Psychology Chuck Hill was named the 2014 Nerhood Award winner.

"As one faculty member succinctly described him, “he is truly a remarkable and compassionate teacher,” said Dean of Faculty Charlotte Borst during her presentation of the Nerhood Award.

She added, “One student nominator described him as having ‘such a passion for teaching his students. The enthusiasm he brings to class every day is enough to make any student engaged in the classroom.’  Others lauded his remarkable devotion to good advising… ‘He initiates contact with students who could easily become invisible to the rest of us, and intervenes in preventive ways that could alleviate difficulties at a later date.’  

Hill has been teaching at Whittier College since 1982.