Rosemary P. Carbine, Ph.D. (she/her) holds master’s and doctoral degrees in Theology from the University of Chicago Divinity School, and is currently Associate Professor of Religious Studies at Whittier College in southern California. She specializes in historical and constructive Christian theologies, particularly comparative feminist, womanist, and Latina/mujerista theologies, theological anthropology, public/political theologies, ecological theologies, and teaching and learning in theology and religion.
Carbine's scholarly interests centralize the interrelationships of religion with gender, race, culture, sexuality, politics, and social and eco-justice, and their impact on the understandings of the person and of society. In addition to publishing numerous articles in leading peer-reviewed journals and chapters in acclaimed scholarly anthologies, she has co-edited three books, The Gift of Theology (2015), Theological Perspectives for Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness (2013), and Women, Wisdom, and Witness (2012). She is currently working on a book that offers a constructive feminist public theology in conversation with US faith-based social justice movements, tentatively titled, Nevertheless We Persist. Her scholarship elaborates a feminist public theology that critically revisits and reclaims Vatican II’s approach to the role of the Church in the modern world and simultaneously redresses common clericalist and patriarchal assumptions about the agents and activities of U.S. public Catholicism.
Carbine's scholarly research integrates with and infuses her teaching, which includes many courses that are crosslisted with and serve several interdisciplinary programs– Africana and Black Studies, Environmental Studies, Gender Studies, Global and Cultural Studies, and Latinx Studies.
Carbine formerly co-chaired the Feminist Theory and Religious Reflection Unit as well as served on the Women and Religion Unit steering committee and Teaching and Learning Committee within the American Academy of Religion. She previously convened Theological Anthropology as well as co-convened and served on the steering committee of the Women’s Consultation in Constructive Theology, both in the Catholic Theological Society of America. She also previously served as an editorial board member of Horizons: The Journal of the College Theology Society. Currently, Carbine is an editorial team member and edits the Winter issue of the international journal Critical Theology (formerly The Ecumenist), and convenes the Public Theology Interest Group in the CTSA.