Soar Over Campus in New Ski Lift

April 1, 2017

A ski lift over upper campus at Whittier CollegeNote: This news story originally appeared on April 1, 2017, and is an April Fools' Day joke.

A cross-country ski lift will be installed over the summer to help members of the college community who are tired of trekking uphill.

The lift will give students, professors, and staff unprecedented views of campus, from its origin at The Rock to its end point at Memorial Stadium. Construction is expected to be completed by September 2017.

This past fall, the Whittier College community was asked for input on the best ways to traverse Whittier's uphill campus. A fleet of golf carts and a trolley were also considered, as well as having the college mascot carry people one by one in his arms.

On game days, the lift will run extra frequently, particularly to meet the anticipated popularity of Whittier's new intramural quidditch matches.