Four Houses, Quidditch Coming to Whittier

April 1, 2017

Quidditch.jpgNote: This news story originally appeared on April 1, 2017, and is an April Fools' Day joke.

As part of Whittier College's overall Track and Field renovations, the college will also unveil a newly installed quidditch field this fall. The project marks a bold, new era in both its intramural athletics programming and student life experience.

Beginning Fall 2017, all students will be sorted into one of Whittier's four houses: Quills, Squirrels, Rocks, or Nixons. Want to know which house you will be sorted into? Find out here.

Once they have been sorted, students can compete in intramural matches on—or to be more precise, above—Memorial Stadium's newly installed quidditch field. The games will be refereed by Professor Sean Morris.

Planning to cheer for your flying Poets on game day? The cross-campus ski lift will run extra frequently from lower quad to Memorial Stadium before and after games.