Why Major in Biology?


February 19, 2024
WC Insider
Science and Learning Center

At Whittier College, I learned how biology is connected to every aspect of life and how it can lead me to unlimited opportunities.

My inquisitive mind is what drew me to study biology, which is constantly changing as groundbreaking discoveries challenge old facts and revolutionize the field. The human body is an amazing, complex, perfect system that we have just scratched the surface of understanding.

Pursuing a liberal arts degree allowed me to discover how biology intertwines with all subjects, from the arts to political science. The more I studied the human body and living organisms, the more my mind flourished as I made connections with the world around us. Like a soul mate, I felt an instant connection with and love for the field.

I am fascinated by how one subject–the study of life–examines the basis of human existence, and as such, opens a door to unlimited career opportunities, from improving soil health in agriculture, to passing environmental protection laws, to developing novel therapeutics that target cancerous cells.

Studying biology at Whittier has given me a strong foundation for my future career in healthcare, but it also allowed me to be mentored by inspiring professors who fostered my devotion to medicine. I am excited for the future and will face it with hopeful eyes, a bold mindset, and a passionate heart.

- Imran Javaid
Biology major

This post originally appeared on the Biology department webpage.