Educators can earn graduate units for completing independent California Association for Bilingual Education (CABE) coursework at Whittier College.
The CABE-DLTA Program is a partnership with the California Association for Bilingual Education (CABE). For questions about professional development, please contact CABE. For questions about graduate units, scroll to the bottom of this page and submit the "Request for Information" form.
In order to earn graduate units, educators attend a CABE-sponsored 6-hour professional development session and then complete the following steps.
- Identify and read the necessary articles or chapters from a book that deepen and/or extend your professional development learning. The articles or book should connect to the professional development topic you attended.
- Submit a summary paper that synthesizes the additional readings, synthesizes what you've learned, and identifies implications for practice in your own classroom or context
- Include a complete reference list to cite documents additional readings
- All assignments are due one month from professional development session
Option One - 1 Unit
- Cost: $150
- Time commitment: Six hours on-site plus six hours of independent work
- Reading assignment: At least two articles or two chapters
- Writing assignment: Three pages (typed), double-spaced, at least two references
Option Two - 2 Units
- Cost: $300
- Time commitment: Six hours on-site plus 12 hours of independent work
- Reading assignment: At least three articles or chapters
- Writing assignment: Five pages (typed), double-spaced, at least three references
Option Three - 3 Units
- Cost: $450
- Time commitment: Six hours on-site plus 18 hours of independent work
- Reading assignment: At least four articles or chapters
- Writing assignment: Eight pages (typed), double-spaced, at least four references