About the Office of Equity and Inclusion
Our Quaker founders believed that the divine light lies within each person and that all individuals should be treated with dignity and respect. This belief translated into a tradition of admitting students from all backgrounds.
As a result, over our 130 years of existence, Whittier has been on the forefront, among liberal arts colleges, in creating a campus that reflects the ethnic diversity of our nation. Currently, more than 50 percent of students at Whittier and a quarter of our faculty are people of color.
Today, while no longer formally associated with the Quaker Society of Friends, students of all denominations make up our welcoming multicultural community and the College's roots in Quaker values are still very much in evidence. These values are deeply embedded here and are woven into our community. Respect for the individual, commitment to a diverse student body and faculty, freedom of conscience, and respect for human differences are in evidence in every classroom, laboratory, and all across campus. Volunteerism and community involvement are central pillars of the student experience here. And while the Quakers of old were committed to women's rights and anti-slavery movements, the sentiment behind these noble goals is today mirrored in the significant political consciousness of the student body and instructors, as well as the multitude of campus groups committed to improving the human condition.